Saturday 20 June 2020

My thoughts on should social media be allowed to hold and store our personal information? - Leo

our teacher told us to share our thoughts on different subjects. My topic is: should social media be allowed to store our personal info?
These are the pros and cons on the matter.

Hi my name is Leo. I'm 11 and a year 7 at Otaki College on the Kapiti coast. My question is should social media be allowed to store and hold our personal info? The answer is No. 

Firstly, if apps can get hold of your personal information, they can learn everything about you but they are strangers, also if you say too much it can be used against you. People can get your passwords and sometimes get into your bank account. 

Secondly, some sites like facebook or instagram save all the photos you post, even the ones you delete. This makes the site untrustworthy with your personal things like your age and address.

Thirdly, on the plus side, the game can set itself up to your age level. Others use your comments or suggestions to make the game or app better.

My final opinion is that No, social media should not be allowed to store our personal info. Yes it might make the app or site better, but do they all? The true answer is no, not really. Gaming sites like roblox, save your conversations with other players and tell the big company owners what you like and send ads using that information and think you will click and go by something because you like it. That is my opinion on should social media store our info.

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